Non-Noether symmetry of the modified Boussinesq equations
George Chavchanidze
Department of Theoretical Physics,
A. Razmadze Institute of Mathematics,
1 Aleksidze Street, Tbilisi 0193, Georgia
We investigate one-parameter non-Noether symmetry group of the modified Boussinesq equations
and show that this symmetry naturally yields infinite sequence of conservation laws.
Non-Noether symmetry; Conservation laws; Modified Boussinesq system;
70H33; 70H06; 58J70; 53Z05; 35A30
In Hamiltonian systems, conservation laws are closely related to symmetries of evolutionary equations.
In case of modified Boussinesq hierarchy this relationship is especially tight as its entire infinite set of
conservation laws forms a single involutive orbit of a simple one-parameter symmetry group.
We discuss some geometric properties of this symmetry and show how
its properties ensure involutivity of conservation laws.
Recall that the modified Boussinesq system is formed by the following set of partial differential equations
are smooth functions on
subjected to zero boundary conditions
, while
are some real constants.
In cases
modified Boussinesq system has non-trivial
bi-Hamiltonian structure that drastically simplifies analysis of the system in these sectors.
The first case is described in
while in the present paper we focus on the second sector and show that in case
bi-Hamiltonian structure of modified Boussinesq system is related to non-Noether symmetry
of equations
Thus in case
modified Boussinesq equations
can be rewritten in bi-Hamiltonian form
are compatible Poison bivector fields, i.e.
defined as follows
Note that
are vector fields that for every smooth functional
are defined
via variational derivatives
Corresponding Hamiltonians in bi-Hamiltonian realization
(3) are
This bi-Hamiltonian structure is related to symmetry of equations
(2), but before we proceed let
us remind that symmetry of evolutionary equations is given by the group of transformations
which commutes with time evolution
In case of continuous one-parameter groups of transformation
generated by some vector field
, relation
(9) gives rise to the following
conditions for the generator of symmetry
Among solutions of equations
(11) there is one important vector field —
the generator of non-Noether symmetry which has the following form
Applying one-parameter group of transformations
generated by the vector field
to the centre of Poisson algebra
which in our case is formed by functional
are arbitrary constants, produces one-parameter family of functions
(actually this is the orbit of non-Noether symmetry group that passes centre of Poisson algebra).
It is interesting that the functionals
are in involution.
The orbit
(15) of the non-Noether symmetry group
generated by the vector field
(12) is involutive
and the functionals
form Lenard scheme with respect to bi-Hamiltonian structure
and produce involutive sequence of conservation laws of the modified Boussinesq hierarchy.
The theorem follows from simple geometric properties of the vector field
In particular taking the Lie derivative of Poisson bivector field
one gets the second Poisson bivector involved in bi-Hamiltonian system
while the Lie derivative of
These properties ensure that the functionals
(17) are in involution
(the Poisson bracket of arbitrary two conservation laws from infinite family
(17) vanishes)
Indeed, by applying
-th order Lie derivative
to the relation
which reflects the fact that
belongs to the centre of Poisson algebra,
its easy to prove that the functionals
(17) form Lenard scheme
with respect to bi-Hamiltonian system
From the other hand it is well known
[4] that functionals involved in Lenard scheme are
in involution. In the same time calculating the functional
gives rise to Hamiltonian of the modified Boussinesq system and
being in involution with Hamiltonian must be conservation laws.
By calculating Lie derivatives of along the vector field one can
get explicit form of the conservation laws of the modified Boussinesq system:
The fact that the infinite sequence of conservation laws of modified Boussinesq hierarchy
form single orbit of the one-parameter non-Noether symmetry group indicates that
non-Noether symmetries may play an important role in analysis of certain integrable
models where they drastically simplify calculation of conservation laws and shed more
light on geometric origin of integrable hierarchies. Basic results of the paper can be extended
to the case of periodic boundary conditions
when the modified Boussinesq equations can be considered as bi-Hamiltonian system on a loop space
[4]. Note however that in the periodic case the symmetry
(12) does not seem to
preserve boundary conditions.
The research described in this publication was made possible in part by
Award No. GEP1-3327-TB-03 of the Georgian Research and Development Foundation
(GRDF) and the
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation for the
Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (CRDF).
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