Non-Noether symmetries in singular dynamical systems
George Chavchanidze
Department of Theoretical Physics,
A. Razmadze Institute of Mathematics,
1 Aleksidze Street, Tbilisi 0193, Georgia
In the present paper geometric aspects of relationship
between non-Noether symmetries and conservation laws in Hamiltonian
systems is discussed. Case of irregular/constrained dynamical systems
on presymplectic and Poisson manifolds is considered.
Non-Noether symmetry; Conservation laws; Constrained dynamics;
70H33, 70H06, 53Z05
Georgian Math. J. 10 (2003) 057-061
Noether's theorem associates conservation laws with particular continuous symmetries of
the Lagrangian. According to the Hojman's theorem
there exists the definite correspondence between
non-Noether symmetries and conserved quantities. In 1998 M. Lutzky showed that several integrals of
motion might correspond to a single one-parameter group of non-Noether transformations
[4]. In the present paper, the extension of Hojman-Lutzky theorem to singular dynamical systems is considered.
First of all let us recall some basic knowledge of description of the regular dynamical systems
(see, e. g.
In this case time evolution is governed by Hamilton's equation
is the closed
) and non-degenerate
) 2-form,
is the Hamiltonian and
denotes contraction of
is non-degenerate, this gives rise to an isomorphism between the vector
fields and 1-forms given by
The vector field is said to be Hamiltonian if it corresponds to exact form
The Poisson bracket is defined as follows:
By introducing a bivector field
Poisson bracket can be rewritten as
It's easy to show that
where the bracket
is actually a supercommutator,
for an arbitrary bivector field
we have
(6) is based on the following useful property of the Lie derivative
Indeed, for an arbitrary bivector field
we have
denotes the Lie derivative along the vector field
According to Liouville's theorem Hamiltonian vector field
therefore it commutes with
In the local coordinates
bivector field
has the following form
is matrix inverted to
Case of regular Lagrangian systems
We can say that a group of transformations
generated by the vector
field maps the space of solutions of equation onto itself if
For satisfying
Hamilton's equation.
It's easy to show that the vector field should satisfy
since .
When is not Hamiltonian,
the group of transformations is non-Noether
symmetry (in a sense that it maps solutions onto solutions but does not preserve action).
(Lutzky, 1998) If the vector field generates non-Noether symmetry,
then the following functions are constant along solutions:
where and are outer
powers of and .
We have to prove that is constant along
the flow generated by the Hamiltonian. In other words, we should find that
fulfilled. Let us consider
where according to Liouville's theorem both terms
since and
In the same manner one can verify that
Case of irregular Lagrangian systems
The singular Lagrangian (Lagrangian with vanishing Hessian) leads to degenerate 2-form
and we no longer have isomorphism between vector fields and 1-forms.
Since there exists a set of "null vectors" such that
every Hamiltonian vector field is
defined up to linear combination of vectors . By identifying
with we can introduce equivalence class
(then all belong to
The bivector field is also far from being unique, but if
and both satisfy
is fulfilled. It is possible only when
where are some vector fields and
(in other words when belongs to the class
If the non-Hamiltonian vector field
satisfies commutation
relation (generates non-Noether symmetry), then the functions
(where ) are constant along trajectories.
Let's consider
The second term vanishes since and
. The first one is
zero as far as and
are satisfied. So
is conserved.
Similarly one can show that is
Hamiltonian description of the relativistic particle leads to the following action
with vanishing canonical Hamiltonian and degenerate 2-form defined by
possesses the "null vector field"
One can check that the following non- Hamiltonian vector field
generates non-Noether symmetry. Indeed, satisfies
because of
and .
Corresponding integrals of motion are combinations of momenta:
This example shows that the set of conserved quantities can be obtained from a single
one-parameter group of non-Noether transformations.
Author is grateful to Z. Giunashvili and M. Maziashvili for
constructive discussions and particularly grateful to George Jorjadze for invaluable help.
This work was supported by INTAS (00-00561)
and Scholarship from World Federation of Scientists.
S. Hojman
A new conservation law constructed without using either Lagrangians or Hamiltonians
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F. González-Gascón
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M. Lutzky
Remarks on a recent theorem about conserved quantities
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M. Lutzky
New derivation of a conserved quantity for Lagrangian systems
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N.M.J. Woodhouse
Geometric Quantization
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G. Chavchanidze
Bi-Hamiltonian structure as a shadow of non-Noether symmetry